IELTS is not that important

IELTS is not that important. IELTS rarely provides any scholarship whereas high score in SAT even provides full ride scholarships in some universities. I would not suggest you do IELTS first-hand. First shortlist your universities. Many universities accept duolingo( a cheaper and easier alternative to IELTS) and some also waive English proficiency requirement based on your high school curriculum. But also, if your shortlisted university only accepts IELTS then only give IELTS. IELTS is comparatively way easier than SAT.

I gave IELTS with 7 days preparation (R 9, L 8, S 7, W 6.5) not because I am good at English or something, all of you can get this score. When you prepare for SAT's reading, IELTS reading is way easier.

I'll provide YouTube videos I watched, and it should be kind of enough.

Watch IELTS Preparation Video 2

But I regret giving IELTS, if I knew the importance of SAT, I'd give SAT 2 times more rather than giving IELTS (It's kinda cost similar).


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